Feb 25, 2021

Putting Australia's anti-China campaign in perspective

[A shorter version of this article appeared in Green Left, February 25, 2021.]

In a recent Green Left article Dave Bell raised some important issues about China. What is China’s place in the world economic and political system, what is its influence in Australia and how should socialists should relate to it?

The position of the recent Socialist Alliance resolution and my Links article is that Western imperialism led by the United States is waging a cold war campaign against China. This involves both harsh trade sanctions and a big military build-up. The reason for this campaign is that China’s rapid economic, technological and military development has reached a point where it seriously threatens Washington’s interests.

Feb 2, 2021

Behind the anti-China hysteria

 [Talk given to Melbourne Socialist Alliance branch, February 2, 2021]

China’s influence in Australia, real or alleged, is a major issue in politics today.

Numerous Chinese investments in Australia have been blocked. The Chinese company Huawei has been banned from participating in the 5G rollout.

In June NSW Labor MP Shaoquett Moselmane had his ALP membership suspended after an Australian Federal Police raid on his office over allegations that he was being cultivated by Chinese government agents. He was never charged and his ALP membership was reinstated in November. Former staffer John Zhang remains under investigation.