Sep 4, 2014

Rojava & the Kurdish freedom struggle

[These slides were the basis of an educational delivered to Socialist Alliance branches around the country in September-October 2014. For a PDF of slideshow see here.] 

Sep 2, 2014

Amid relentless fighting, Kurds search for unity

[September 2, 2014; Links online magazine ]

Across northern Syria and Iraq, Kurdish forces are locked in fierce battles with the murderous 'Islamic State'. Whether directly or indirectly, the whole Kurdish people is being drawn into this struggle.

Aug 15, 2014

Kurds fight 'Islamic State' over vast front

 photo Kurds_map.jpg

[August 11, 2014; Links online magazine]

The Kurdish people are facing an unprecedented challenge. Across a vast swathe of northern Syria and Iraq, the region's Kurds are locked in a desperate and heroic struggle with the genocidal forces of the so-called Islamic State (IS). Fighting is raging from Aleppo and KobanĂȘ in Syria to Mosul and Kirkuk in Iraq — and all points in between. (The 'front' is enormous: for example, the direct distance from Aleppo to Kirkuk is over 650km.)